It was customary for many Lion delegates to exchange Lions Club Pin at District and MD Conventions. And of course, at International Conventions too. Since the late 1960s, I have started to exchange and collect Lions Club Pin throughout my travels. Today, I have amassed quite a collection of a few hundred pins from all over the world!

As the Lions Club Pins are for exchange purposes, I had to buy and bring our home pins to exchange with Lions from a different district. So, at the Lions Convention Pin Trading Centre, it was normal for interested Lions to view the possible exchange pin first. Collectors almost always seek high quality pins. If your pins are of a lower quality, it could well end up you trading three of yours against the interested party’s special pin. Or sometimes, no deal at all!

I reckon that at any International Convention, there would be about 15-20 thousand delegates. Even if only half of them had pins, I would end up with 5-10 thousand pins! Furthermore, there are the District and MD conventions. Soon enough, I found out that there are special lapel pins for special events like club anniversaries and club-twinning. Those special pins are much sought after.

In no time, I was hooked on my new found hobby, fondly shared by other Lions at the conventions. Mind you, it is not a cheap hobby! After attending a few conventions, I found out that the trading centre is not necessarily the best way to procure new pins.  Individual exchanges, whenever you chanced upon a fellow Lion is my preferred strategy. For instance at the 2004 OSEAL Forum in Manila, I managed to add scores of new lapel pins to my collection. More importantly, in doing so I made so many new acquaintances and cemented some life-long friendship.

This little metal piece may not be worth that much but often there's always an anecdote behind getting possession of a Lions pin. It’s always a good ice-breaker when meeting up with a total stranger and often times, it leads to the development of a new friendship. In addition, Lions pins are “good ambassadors” to promote my beloved hometown, Penang and my country. Humbly, I share with you some of my selected Lions Pin Collection.


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